Sporty jelly beans give athletes a boost, study
Sweet manufacturers could find themselves tapping into the sporty potential of confectionery following research into the effects of functional jelly beans on athletes' performance.
News, Analysis & Insights on Nutrition, Supplements, and Health
Sweet manufacturers could find themselves tapping into the sporty potential of confectionery following research into the effects of functional jelly beans on athletes' performance.
The new European health and nutrition claims regulation and food fortification regulation will enter into force in January 2007, as the EC decides not the wait for adoption of the comitology amendments.
The UK's Food Standards Agency has launched a final consultation into mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid - an action that coincides with publication of the SACN recommendation to press ahead with the measure.
American Herbal Products Association has presented comments to the US Fish and Wildlife Service on revisions to its list of endangered wild plant species to be protected from specimen trading - particulary the natural antibiotic goldenseal.
Consuming foods containing beta-glucan could reduce the insulin and glucose response after a meal, thereby easing a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, says a new study.
Ingredients manufacturer Blue California has introduced micro-encapsulated essential oils in powder form for water soluble applications, particularly suited for beverages.
Folic acid supplements have no effect on cardiovascular disease events amongst people with existing vascular disease, says a meta-analysis of 12 randomised control trials.