Archives for November 4, 2003

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Benecol disappoints again

Increasing turnover at Raisio's chemicals division has not been enough to counter the downward trend in margarine sales and the lack of anticipated interest in Benecol this year, but the company just made it back into the black in the third quarter.

Codex committee votes for upper safe limits

The Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses yesterday agreed to abolish the 100 per cent RDA measure for setting maximum levels of vitamins and minerals, as proposed in a draft guideline.

Blood chemical to treat high BP

US researchers have found that nitrite, a common small ion in the blood, also found in leafy green vegetables and red meat, could help treat high blood pressure, heart attacks and sickle cell disease.

Nutrigenomics presents ethical headache, says report

New research designed to help consumers create customised diets based on their genetic make-up will create ethical and legal challenges with serious implications for the scientific and medical communities, warn international experts.

Korean supplement market ripe for investors?

An overview of the Korean market for nutraceuticals suggests that it is growing by 20-30 per cent annually, representing a significant opportunity for foreign companies.