Archives for March 20, 2003

← 2003

Olive oil under the microscope

A European project is to evaluate the impact of different types of olive oil and their antioxidant phenolic compounds on oxidative stress and DNA damage.

Iron deficiency is costly, finds study

Anaemic adults and children cost developing countries billions of dollars in lost productivity, according to a recent study. The authors report that on average, a country loses 0.6 per cent of its GDP due to physical productivity losses from adults...

Cosmetic food - the next nutraceuticals?

Laboratoires Innéov, the new joint venture between food company Nestlé and the cosmetics firm L'Oreal, is launching its first product this month in selected markets. Are we likely to see this 'cosmetic food' sector take off?

Beat dementia with 'moderate' drinking

Drinking up to six alcoholic drinks each week could lower the risk of dementia for people over 65 years old, according to research published this week.