Sports nutrition

Special edition: Inside Europe’s food supplement markets

The decline of sports supplement contamination

By Dr Mark Tallon

Doped athletes continue blaming contaminated food supplements as a convenient alibi, but it’s a thin excuse getting thinner as the mainstream supplements industry moves even higher up the quality chain, says UK-based food law expert Dr Mark Tallon. 

Give me commercial casualties over human casualties any day, argues NutraIngredient's Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

How transparent is the EU when it comes to supplement scares?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Europe has various measures in place to report risky supplements – but it’s questionable if these warnings ever make it outside the closed circuit of national authorities. This lack of complete information is to the detriment of both consumer safety and...

Does optimising performance and health via training and nutrition make illegal substance abuse more likely?

ESSNA: “Thousands of people engaging in sport and activity at all levels use and benefit from legal sports nutrition products."

Euro sports nutrition sector: Supplements no gateway to doping


Consuming sports supplements is not a step on the slippery slope to doping, the European sports nutrition sector has said in response to a US sports coach turned whistle blower who questioned their use.

Leatherhead Food Research has been saved from administration by the Science Group

Leatherhead acquired by Science Group for £1.6M

By Laurence Gibbons

Leatherhead Food Research has been bought out of administration by the Science Group for £1.6M in a move that will rid the organisation of its legacy pension deficit, the buyer revealed.

UNESDA: “In the past national rules have made it difficult to commercialise a single sports drinks formula across the whole of the EU and this should be guarded against.”

Calls mount to evolve EU sports foods regulations


European food bodies have reiterated calls to better regulate the sports food, drink and supplement category to ease uncertainty and inconsistency across the EU’s 28 member states – and boost innovation.

Myprotein says BRC is

Myprotein gains BRC accreditation, plans expansion

By Eliot Beer

UK-based sports nutrition specialist Myprotein has secured BRC accreditation for its products, as it steps up its international expansion plans to add four new markets by the end of the year.

'Vegan athletes play an integral part in furthering the meat-free movement,' says the Vegan Society

Special edition: Protein

Vegethletics: Are you running on plants?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The ‘no meat athlete’ movement is showing that animal protein isn’t the only track available to sportspeople – and in turn this is smashing old perceptions about what it is to be vegan and vegetarian, says the Vegan Society.

“We see opportunities for scientifically justified nutritional products…”

EFSA issues medical foods guidance


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued guidance on how firms can compile “well-structured dossiers” for medical foods that may be permitted in the EU’s 28 nations as momentum to update archaic laws grows.

Surviving the stomach takes center stage in world of probiotic innovation

Special Edition: Innovations in Delivery Systems

Surviving the stomach takes center stage in world of probiotic innovation

By Hank Schultz

Innovation in delivery modes has been a hallmark of the probiotic space for many years. That’s because researchers saw early on that to deliver on their benefits, probiotics had to survive the death march through the stomach’s acid defenses.

'Because it’s so serious, we report without fear or favour,' says the FSA

Could and should DNP be a classified substance?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Tackling the problem of toxic fat burner 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) isn’t just about classifying it as an illegal drug, says the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Combining protein sources for better flavour and lower cost could hold future potential, Mintel said

What’s next for protein?


Meat and dairy consumption has fallen from favour in many European countries and consumers are increasingly on the lookout for foods and drinks high in plant-based protein, according to Mintel analysts.

Sports nutrition expert: “...ketones delivered from a beverage for performance enhancement would likely only be beneficial where athletes are already pre-adapted to using ketones as a fuel (low carb dieters).”

UK ketones firm contacted by pro cycling teams

Ketones get rough ride at Tour de France


The use of potentially performance enhancing ketones at the Tour de France cycling race has raised questions about their efficacy, legality and scale of usage.

Irish authorities warn consumers not to buy health products online

Irish man dies after taking toxic DNP slimming tablets

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A young Irish man has died after apparently taking slimming tablets bought online that contained the toxic fat burner dinitrophenol (DNP), the Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has said.

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