Regulation & policy

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UK FSA: EFSA’s safety concerns will not provoke CBD product removals

By Shane Starling

EFSA’s decision this week to stop the clock on 150 CBD (cannabidiol) Novel Food applications and publish a litany of ‘data gaps’ does not threaten thousands of on-market CBD products in the UK, its Food Standards Agency (FSA) has told NutraIngredients.

 © Getty Images

EFSA says CBD safety data “cannot currently be established”

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued a wide-ranging opinion calling for more safety data for CBD products that could challenge the Novel Foods status of many offerings in the nascent category across the bloc and beyond.

NutraWomen Wednesday: Paola Fernandez, Founder and CEO of High Hemp

NutraWomen Wednesday: Paola Fernandez, Founder and CEO of High Hemp

By Danielle Masterson

While working at her father’s cigar company, Paola Fernandez invented a ‘natural’ alternative to tobacco-based rolling paper. In 2016, High Hemp was born and sells its flagship hemp wraps along with CBD gummies and tinctures. In under 5 years, Fernandez...

Getty Images / globalmoments

Paper highlights safety of some weight management ingredients

By Danielle Masterson

With weight loss supplements under attack in several states, researchers rebut with science. The authors of a new paper examine the safety of six ingredients, a move they hope will encourage since-based decisions.

©Getty Images - David Trood

FDA slams Delta-8 THC sellers over claims

By Hank Schultz

FDA came down hard on purveyors of Delta-8 THC and CBD products that were making disease claims on the substances. The Agency also reiterated the reasons it believes Delta-8 is not a suitable ingredient for products marketed as supplements.

Minafin Group: “For hexane we are the rats”

Minafin Group: “For hexane we are the rats”

By Lynda Searby

EFSA has issued a positive opinion about the safety of methyloxolane in food processing, bringing the industry closer to the prospect of a bio-based alternative to petroleum extraction solvents.

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UK’s FSA unveils list of permitted CBD products

By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam

The UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has released a list of cannabinoid (CBD) products which can be sold to consumers, becoming the first country globally to regulate the market for orally consumed, safe legal cannabis extracts.

VitalNext wins battle for EU patent

VitalNext wins battle for EU patent

By Nicola Gordon-Seymour

The European Patent Office has rejected attempts by Danone Nutricia Research to the patent application for a new treatment targeting malnutrition, developed by Dutch life science group VitalNext.

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New commission to review the UK’s legal cannabis industry

By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam

A new commission has been set up by The Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC), the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) and First November Group to review the legal cannabis industry in the UK.

Getty Images / VioletaStoimenova

Stress: What can you claim on a product label?

By Danielle Masterson

According to the 2021 CRN Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, 16% of dietary supplement users said they turned to supplements for mental health support (e.g. anxiety, depression, stress management).

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