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One Ingredient Fulfills Two Common Consumer Needs
Biova LLC-

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One ingredient fulfills two common consumer needs

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Water-soluble eggshell membrane provides a holistic nutrient-dense package for key concerns such as mobility and skin health.

Biova is a specialist in sustainable, 100% US made, water-soluble eggshell membrane (WSEM) ingredients for joint support and improvement in skin appearance.

The essential eggshell membrane composition

An egg contains four distinct parts – the white, the yolk, the shell and the membrane that holds the shell’s form. The membrane contains a variety of nutrients found in healthy joint tissue and skin:

  • collagen, peptides that enhance skin strength, elasticity, cohesion and firmness
  • elastin, a protein that provides the property of elasticity in skin and ability to flex as well as stimulate dermal collagen synthesis
  • glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid, which are vital polysaccharides that serve as structural components of connective tissue and cartilage matrix
  • a broad assortment of amino acids that support both joint and skin health at the most basic level

Support joints with BiovaFlex®

Consumers who are focused on maintaining joint health now include the millions of fitness enthusiasts along with older adults who are dealing with age-related joint degradation affecting fluid mobility. And, with sales of glucosamine/chondroitin-only supplements falling (according to Nutrition Business Journal’s​ 2021 Condition-Specific Report), it’s prime time for other joint health ingredients to take center stage.

BiovaFlex®​ water-soluble egg membrane (WSEM) is a nutritional ingredient that supports joint health as it provides the building blocks that support essential elements of joint structure and function.

BiovaFlex®​ has been clinically proven to support joint health in four significant areas – comfort, activity, mobility and stiffness.

An initial unpublished 6-week pilot study demonstrated the effectiveness of BiovaFlex®​. In this study of 30 participants, knee functionality noticeably improved in 7 days with a relative improvement of 37.8% in 6 weeks; both pain symptoms and WOMAC scores were also significantly improved.

Following this, two published 12-week human clinical studies (including a crossover) ​showed specific benefits in the four key areas listed above after 12 weeks of consuming 450 mg BiovaFlex®​ daily. 1, 2

Participants reported improvement in lower back discomfort after only five days, and a five-fold reduction in stiffness over those in the placebo group. Additionally, there was a significant 15% increase in range of motion and a four-fold improvement in activity levels, marked by ease of performing daily tasks.

Support skin and hair with BiovaBIO®​ (Beauty-Inside-Out)

Called “beauty-from-within” the market for supporting skin and hair appearance through supplementation is no longer niche, according to NBJ’s​ 2021 Condition-Specific report. The market is expected to have reached a nearly 10% growth in 2021. Compare this to 2019, when the beauty-from-within market grew 3.3%.

More consumers are understanding that nutrition is a significant factor that affects the health and appearance of their skin and hair. 

BiovaBIO®​ water-soluble egg membrane (WSEM) is a nutri-cosmetic ingredient that supports overall skin health through increasing anti-oxidant capacity, reducing ROS, and providing building-block nutrients that support elasticity, skin tone and resilience.

In a randomized, double-blind study,3​ 88 healthy middle-aged participants consumed either placebo or 450 mg BiovaBIO®​ daily for 12 weeks, while their skin and hair quality were assessed.

Results showed that BioaBIO®​ supplementation was associated with a significant improvement in facial skin appearance -- crow's feet in 4 weeks and skin tone in 8 weeks – as well as significant increases in hair thickness, reduction in hair breakage and acceleration of hair growth at 4, 8, and 12 weeks.

Biova’s patented products contain approximately 88% total protein, 15% collagen, 20% elastin and 20% total glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).

For both joint and skin/hair support, a daily recommended amount of 450 mg is all that is needed and has been scientifically proven effective.

Sustainability: The egg’s circle of life

Globally, food waste is estimated to be $940 billion annually, which releases more than 70 tons of greenhouse gases into the environment. In the US alone, society is wasting more than 63 million tons of food annually at a cost of $218 billion.

With Biova’s unique ingredients, today, every part of an egg can be used. The inedible shell and membrane have uses in supplementation (many calcium supplements are made from pure eggshells), while its endogenous parts (white and yolk) are staples in foods.

Biova’s eggshell membrane is pulled from the waste stream of commercial food production. Biova partners with some of the largest egg-breaking facilities in the United States. These facilities break millions of eggs per day, and this is where the source material comes from.

With the nutrient-dense membrane removed, the shells are then much easier to process into calcium supplementation and for feed and fertilizer. Previously the membranes and eggshells were a byproduct of food production that had no viable consumption method.

“Being a good steward of the environment is  every person’s and every company’s responsibility,” said Amanda Jepson, Vice President of Business Development. “Consumers are making conscious efforts to align themselves with products from companies and brands that show they make proactive efforts to preserve the environment. Supplement manufacturers that incorporate Biova’s WSEM ingredients will pass this test and stand up to the scrutiny.”

Formulating with Biova

BiovaFlex®​ and BiovaBIO®​ are manufactured using a gentle process to achieve the optimal molecular weight, protein, collagen and elastin levels and to ensure the lowest possible scent, color and ash. The patented process preserves the valuable nutrients found in egg membrane, and creates a water-soluble, formulation friendly ingredient. Biova’s ingredients are quality manufactured according to cGMP standards and have approval through several global regulatory bodies including GRAS, NDA, Health Canada, ANVISA, EU Novel Foods from EFSA and undergoes a voluntary annual audit by the USDA to ensure the highest standard compliance levels

BiovaFlex®​ and BiovaBIO®​ are ideal for a variety of ingestible applications (pills, powders, capsules, gummies/chews, confections, stick packs, effervescents, beverages).


1.​ Hewlings et al., Journal of Medicinal Food​, 18 (9) 2015, 1042-1048
2.​ Jensen GS, et al. Journal of Medicinal Food​, 22 (9) 2019, 875-884
3.​ Kalman DS, Hewlings S, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology​ 2020;19:1463–1472.

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