Swedish firms commit to 100% responsible soy by 2015

Companies operating throughout the supply chain in Sweden have agreed to a goal of using 100% responsible soy by 2015.

The commitment means that the 27 Swedish food companies and organisations signed up to the Swedish Soy Dialogue aim to ensure the 100% of the soy used for the production of foodstuffs sold in Sweden is socially and environmentally responsible by 2015.

Members of the Swedish Soy Dialogue - which includes trade associations, feed industry, food manufacturers and retail chains -  will start to move closer to the 100% target this year with a promise to responsibly source 60% of all soy products.

Companies in the 27 strong voluntary network said it wants to ensure products that Swedish consumers buy are produced with certified soy  - whether it be of Swedish or imported origin.

Members of the network are now committed to use soy that is certified by RTRS (the Roundtable on Responsible Soy) or Proterra's principles and criteria.

“We welcome this as an important first step in reducing the negative impact on nature, animals and humans in which soy is produced," said Peter Westman, Conservation Director at WWF. "Our hope is that other companies may follow suit and impose requirements on how soy is produced."

The use of responsible soy aims to prevent the loss of biodiversity, the irresponsible use of toxic pesticides, and exploitation of land belonging to local communities, as well as contributing to safe and good working conditions for soybean plantations.

The deal will also specifically ensure that the soy used in Swedish food products has been grown without the exploitation of unique natural areas including the Atlantic rainforest, the Cerrado, Chaco and Amazon.

The following companies and trade associations are members of the Swedish Soy Dialogue:

Arla Sweden AB, Axfood Sweden AB, Bjäre Bird in Torekow AB, Coop Sweden AB, Dalsjöfors Meat AB, Guldfågeln AB, Gäsene Dairy Compound, HKScan Sweden AB, ICA Sweden AB, Ingelsta Turkey AB, KLS Ugglarps AB, Knäreds Chicken AB, Kronfågel AB, Lagersbergs AB, Lantmännen ek, Martin & Serve Ltd, Nyhléns Hugosons Chark AB, VDSkånemejerier AB, Skövde Slaughterhouse AB / Gudrun

The Swedish Federation of Bird, The trade organization Swedish Eggs, The trade organization Swedish Meat, Compound Feed & Cereal, Farmers’ Association, Swedish Breeding pool AB, Sweden’s Beef Producers, Swedish Sheep farming union.