NBTY Europe axes sports nutrition range

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USN MD, Jason Oakley: “NBTY/Holland & Barrett appears immune to understanding our position..."
USN MD, Jason Oakley: “NBTY/Holland & Barrett appears immune to understanding our position..."
NBTY Europe has stopped selling the USN sports nutrition range in its Holland & Barrett stores in the UK after a hike in local taxes forced a review of the brands it worked with.

The company sent letters to the top four sports supplement brands present in its stores, according to our sister publication The Grocer​ magazine, explaining the situation and asking them for their best terms.

It then decided to sever ties with USN (Ultimate Sports Nutrition).  

“Although we have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with USN, we no longer feel its proposition supports the future direction of our business,”​ said NBTY group trading director Kyle Rowe.

USN managing director Jason Oakley said: “NBTY/Holland & Barrett appears immune to understanding our position, and so we have little choice other than to divert our energies and attention to retailers who prefer a more even-handed relationship to working with brands who attract consumers in droves.”

Oakley said USN had released 23 products this year and seen sales grow 45% to £25m (€29m) in the 12-month period to the end of February, 2013.

NBTY began to scrutinise its range after value-added taxes (VAT) were raised in the UK last year, in its desire to, “give customers the best value and quality”.

The other three sports nutrition brands are Optimum Nutrition, Maxinutrition and PhD. 

The Holland & Barrett website breaks its sports nutrition section down into six sub-sectors:

  • Protein supplements
  • Amino acids
  • Weight gain
  • Creatine
  • Sports energy & endurance
  • Sports weight management

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1 comment

Shopkeeper's Mistake

Posted by Alex McKenna - Editor - The Beef magazine,

H&B could be damaging their own image amongst the more knowledgeable buyers of supplements if they reduce their range to the 'lowest common' brands. It's no wonder more people are buying on-line.
It's well known that USN is one of the top ranges you can buy. People aren't so easily fooled these days!

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