EFSA appoints new health claims panel chair

Ambroise Martin, PhD, has replaced professor Albert Flynn as chair of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claims panel.

Dr Martin served on the old panel, of which about half have been replaced, and is a Professor in Nutrition and Biochemistry at the Medical school at the University of Lyon.

He formerly advised the French Food Agency (ANSES) that approved both lutein-eye and cranberry-urinary tract infection (UTI) claims.

On the divide between being a researcher and an EFSA expert he once told this publication: “A good researcher is not by the way a good expert and reciprocally a good expert is not necessarily the best researcher in the field. It’s quite a different thing.”

“In research you have to address questions on your own, when you are an expert you have to answer a question that is posed by somebody else and you have to answer in a specific context and for the health claims it is the context of the regulation and you cannot ignore this context.”