Companies talk science of slimming ingredents

By Stephen Daniells in Berlin

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Related tags Nutrition Antioxidant

New results and breakthroughs took centre stage in Berlin at the
First International Conference on Innovations and Trends in Weight
Loss and Weight Management.

Berkem, Ninapharm, Orafti and Lipid Nutrition presented old and new science to support their proprietary ingredients at the two-day conference, organised by the International Society for Antioxidants for Nutrition and Health.

Dr. Vicente Micol from the Universidad Miguel Hernandez in Spain presented results ahead of publication from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study with Ninapharm´s ActiSOD ingredient, a nano-encapsulated watermelon extract containing the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, lycopene, the amino acid L-citrulline, and potassium.

According to Dr. Micol, supplementation with ActiSOD for 30 days led to a reduction in BMI of 2.02 points and weight by 3.06 kg.

Blood levels of antioxidant enzymes also increased (18 per cent for SOD, 20 per cent for catalase, and 17 per cent for glutathione peroxidase).

Thirty overweight volunteers (five to 25 kg overweight) completed the trial, half randomised to placebo and half to ActiSOD (250 mg active ingredients).

Oxidative stress markers were also reduced with glycaemia cut by 14 per cent and insulinaemia by 9 per cent.

"All these results suggests that antioxidants from watermelon may represent a new alternative to reduce obesity induced by oxidative stress," concluded Dr. Micol.

Dr. Sophie Lafay from French polyphenol specialist Berkem presented data from a recently published clinical trial that supported the weight reducing efficacy of its Svetol ingredient.

Indeed, supplementation with Svetol, a decaffeinated green coffee extract titrated with chlorogenic acids, was found to reduce weight by an average of five kilograms and increase the ration of lean to fat mass by four per cent, compared to the 2.5 kg and 1.5 per cent changes observed in the placebo group, respectively.

The trial consisted of 30 overweight subjects (BMI over 25 kg per sq. m) aged between 19 and 75.

Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either a daily Svetol dose of 400 mg or placebo for 60 days ( Phytotherapie , 2006, Vol. 3, pp. 1-4).

The mechanism of action was elucidated by a recent in vitro study, the results of which were presented for the first time in Berlin.

Using intact or disrupted human microsomes, Dr. Lafay and her collaborators from Bordeaux University (Polyphenol Biotech) found that the coffee extract inhibited the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme that is involved in the production of glucose in the liver.

Dr. Liv Janvary presented a concise review of the data supporting the weight management potential of inulin and oligofructose, including several human studies that reported supplementation with the prebiotic fibres led to increased satiety (feeling of fullness), reduced hunger, and a lower energy intake.

Studies have shown that fermentation of inulin and oligofructose in the colon produce short-chain fatty acids, with other studies suggesting that this process may enhance expression of the appetite-suppressing glucagon-like peptide-1.

Lipid Nutrition´s PinnoThin ingredient was also found to boost GLP-1, as well as cholecystokinin (CCK), another appetite-suppressing hormone.

The hormones are reported to work by delaying th emptying of the stomach (gastric emptying) and thereby promoting the feeling of fullness.

Dr. Louise Mennen reported results from a randomised, cross-over, placebo-controlled trial with 18 overweight post-menopausal women that found that a daily supplement of 3 grams of PinnoThin led to a 60 and 25 per cent increase in CCK and GLP-1 response over a four-hour period, compared to the olive oil placebo.

The ingredient, containing the polyunsaturated fatty acid pinolenic acid derived from the seeds of the Korean pine nut tree ( Pinus koraiensis ), is tasteless and colourless, said Dr. Mennen. will also be reporting from the second day of the conference, which will look at new concepts and innovations, new ingredients, and trends for functional foods and beverages.

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