Natrol launch weight loss Slenderite
five ingredients to promote weight loss.
The California-based manufacturer has combined Pharmachem's phase 2 starch neutralizer, EGCG (green tea), caffeine, chromium picolinate and 5-HTP. The company says the Slenderite ingredients encourage weight loss when taken as part of a reduced-calorie diet that involves exercise.
Natrol's launch of Slenderite may represent a safer foray into weight loss products following a dramatic plunge in its low carb supplement last year.
The company rode the low-carb trend only to watch it ebb dramatically and sales of its Carb Intercept drop by $3m in 2005. Slenderite appears to be geared towards a more diversified weight loss platform.
"Retail surveys show that consumers often have the same ingredients in their shopping carts, but in separate supplements," said Natrol vice president of marketing Eric Schick. "Slenderite provides consumers with the convenience of one product containing all five ingredients to support their weight loss goals."
Phase 2 is an all-natural ingredient Natrol says has been clinically shown to delay the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. The ingredient works by blocking a digestive enzyme responsible for converting starch into simple sugars the body can absorb.
EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) is catechin found in green tea. Natrol says the antioxidant has been found to promote fat oxidation when combined with caffeine.
Chromium picolinate is a source of chromium that is better absorbed by humans than other forms of the mineral. Chromium helps the body metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein for energy.
Slenderite's fifth ingredient, 5-HTP, is thought to balance serotonin levels in the brain and thereby enhance mood. Natrol says this ingredient is to help dieters maintain a positive frame of mind.