KGK seeks partner to bring Sytrinol to functional foods

Biotechnology company KGK Synergize has developed a matrix of its citrus and palm fruit extract Sytrinol by combining it with LeciGel's phospholipiddelivery technology - a process that resolves solubility and taste issues previously preventing its use in foods.

The two companies have entered into a joint venture agreement to protect the intellectual property with the intention to jointly commercialize theresulting technology. They are seeking a partner to distribute it to thefunctional foods market.

A powerful antioxidant, Sytrinol is a patented formula combining citruspolymethoxylated flavones (PMFs), alpha, delta and gamma tocotrienols andother constituents which have been shown to lower total cholesterol, LDLcholesterol and triglyceride levels.

It was first launched as a heart health supplement in 2003 throughChicago-based Source One, which holds the excusive worldwide license to the Sytrinol intellectual property and patents for the dietary supplementsmarket.

"This new matrix for Sytrinol will incorporate the product into yogurt,smoothies and truffle samples, allowing KGK and LeciGel to provide newfunctions for Sytrinol to interested food and beverage providers," saidNajla Guthrie, president and CEO of KGK.

She told that the dose of Sytrinol will be the samein functional foods as in supplements, but that it would be split acrossthree or four servings per day.

While it is too early to predict how well the ingredient could do in thefunctional foods market, Guthrie believes it could prove an even moresuccessful application than supplements.

"This is the growing market and it is the future - more so than dietarysupplements," she said.

Whilst the technology is ready, clinical trials are underway to verify thebioavailability and efficacy of the new Sytrinol matrix.

An animal study carried out last year by the US Department of Agricultureand KGK Synergize claimed to be the first to show that PMFs from orange andtangerine peel had promise in the lowering of LDL cholesterol,without the possible side effects of conventional cholesterol-loweringdrugs.