
Forget pancakes. I'm flippin' well going for the CEO's job

Women. The most wasted resource in food production

By Jess Halliday

Today is Pancake Day. It is also International Women’s Day. An important date, then, not just for food lovers in countries where Mardi Gras is a big deal, but a day to consider the role – and the potential – of women involved in food provision all over...

Old news: Some groups are more susceptible to iron deficiency than others

(Most) Brits are "replete" in iron, finds report

By Shane Starling

A UK report has found most Brits gain adequate levels of iron, but warned that the elderly, small children, girls, some women and the poor may be susceptible to deficiencies and should consider iron supplementation among other measures.

Intakes may rise but will omega-3s be available to the body?

“The tissue is the issue” say omega-3 academics

By Shane Starling

Global omega-3 academics and stakeholders have committed to increased lobbying and education efforts to boost long and shorter chain fatty acid intakes, but are highlighting that intake alone won’t resolve widespread deficiencies.

ASA attacked over CAM health claim expertise

ASA attacked over CAM health claim expertise

By Shane Starling

The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) does not have the scientific know-how to deliver health claim marketing verdicts in the botanicals area, according to a natural health lobby group.

Refining the omega-3 ‘policy gap’ that feeds global deficiencies

Refining the omega-3 ‘policy gap’ that feeds global deficiencies

By Shane Starling in Bruges

The omega-3 industry must devote more resources to lobbying and educating government, health care professionals and the general public to help plug a ‘policy gap’ that is contributing to a growing epidemic of cognitive disorders, a congress has been told.

Health claims chief: “There are no ‘minority opinions’”

Health claims chief: “There are no ‘minority opinions’”

By Shane Starling in Brussels

Dr Juliane Kleiner, the unit head of EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA), told a Nutrition and Lifestyle conference in Brussels today that all Panel health claim opinions were reached by consensus, with no ‘minority opinions’...

Gut health academics will express their negative opinion of the NHCR to MEPs and local MPs in coming weeks

Probiotic academics turn up political health claim heat

By Shane Starling

A recently established group of global gut health academics is sending letters to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) as well as national government politicians as the group attempts to alter the application of a regulation it says is, “killing...

Growing need to explore alternative omega-3 sources

Growing need to explore alternative omega-3 sources

By Jess Halliday

Fish alone cannot meet the long chain omega-3 requirements of a growing world population and other dietary sources must be considered, a policy academic will warn at Global Summit on Nutrition, Health and Human Behaviour in Belgium this week.

Martek is now a fullly-owned DSM subsidiary

DSM begins Martek integration

By Shane Starling

Royal DSM has kicked the integration of its new €800m wholly-owned subsidiary, Martek Biosciences Corporation, into life by establishing a special integration unit to manage the US-Dutch-Swiss deal.

Complaint on Healthspan supplements claims not upheld: ASA

Complaint on Healthspan supplements claims not upheld: ASA

By Jess Halliday

Claim-related complaints about product adverts and brand names of UK mail order supplements firm Healthspan have not been upheld by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), as the catalogue contains a disclaimer stating they are not intended to treat,...

GOED names expanded board of directors

GOED names expanded board of directors

By Shane Starling

The Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED) has announced its second board expansion within a year with EPAX’s Baldur Hjaltason (pictured) moving from vice-chair to chair to replace Croda’s David Shannon, while DSM Nutritional Products’ Amanda Ruess...

EFSA rejects claim linking calcium-fortified juices and tooth demineralisation


EFSA rejects health claims for fruit juice, water

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority health claims panel has turned in two negative opinions for separate claims that sought to link calcium-fortified fruit juice and tooth demineralisation; and water consumption and dehydration.

DSM reports successful tender offer for Martek

DSM reports successful tender offer for Martek

By Mike Stones

Royal DSM’s acquisition of Martek Biosciences Corporation has moved a step closer to finalisation with the news that its tender offer to buy all of the company’s outstanding shares of common stock at a price of $31.50 (about €24) per share has proved...

Microwarriors takes a 'pro' position on 'the power of probiotics'

Probiotics documentary reaches out to health professionals

By Shane Starling

A recently completed documentary about probiotics is being welcomed by the probiotics community with Danisco, the world’s biggest probiotics supplier saying it provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the microorganisms among the medical fraternity.

Multi-million boost for Scottish functional foods

Multi-million boost for Scottish functional foods

By Ben Bouckley

A new government funded project will see £4.4m (€5.26m) invested in the Scottish food and drink industry, in an attempt to bolster the market for products including fortified and functional foods and raise historically low investment levels.

The ANH wants to see the THMPD in court over the treatment of herbal products in the EU

NGO set to file THMPD legal challenge by end of March

By Ben Bouckley

Non-governmental organisation ANH-International is set to file its legal challenge to the controversial Traditional Herbal Medicines Product Directive (THMPD) at the High Court in London by the end of March, has learnt.

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