
Easy being green? Tea leads botanical antioxidant charge

Special edition: Antioxidants and Carotenoids

Easy being green? Tea leads botanical antioxidant charge

By Shane Starling

Plants are antioxidant-generating machines and, commercially, the biggest return-generating plant extract is green tea. By quite some way if you speak to the biggest suppliers.

Red revolution: As science grows for lycopene, will the market follow?

Special edition: Antioxidants and Carotenoids

A red revolution: As the science grows for lycopene, will the market follow?

By Nathan Gray

Lycopene has a growing reputation among the carotenoids, but have we started to see a red revolution in the market? In this special edition article, NutrIngredients asks where the science and the market data stand on the tomato compound.

Astaxanthin: Still red hot or cooling off?

Special edition: Antioxidants and carotenoids

Astaxanthin: Still red hot or cooling off? The Dr Oz effect… two years on

By Elaine WATSON

Rewind two years, and astaxanthin was the hottest nutraceutical in town, with sales “skyrocketing” following a slot on Dr Oz in which Dr Joseph Mercola described the potent red antioxidant as the “number one supplement you’ve never heard of that you should...

Food Supplements Europe: A small industry needs to be united

Food Supplements Europe: A small industry needs to be united

By Shane Starling

Europe’s new multilateral food supplements group says there is no inherent conflict between its big player-small player membership as all share the same goal of amending scientific requirements under the EU’s strict new health claim rules.

Desert Lab's 'Snack Less' 10-piece hoodia gum packs in three flavors (cinnamon, mint and strawberry) and retail at $2.99 each (typical gum retails at around $1.75).

Desert Labs launches hoodia weight management gum

Hoodia gum maker defends satiety effect

By Oliver Nieburg

The maker of a newly launched appetite suppressant gum claims to be the first to have self-affirmed GRAS status for hoodia in the US and hopes to overcome the negative image of the plant as a weight management ingredient.

Norway ranks four amino acids as “high risk”

Norway ranks four amino acids as “high risk”

By Shane Starling

The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has classed four amino acids – histidine, methionine, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and tryptophan – as high-risk and linked to problems like nausea, dizziness and increased blood pressure.

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been asked by the EU to produce a report on the nutritional value of follow-on formulas and children’s or toddlers' milks that may inform labeling updates across the block.

Eurozone blues? Not for young Irish ingredients player

Eurozone blues? Not for young Irish ingredients player

By Shane Starling

Irish supplier Willows Ingredients has launched a UK-based European division to target smaller continental European markets and says the Eurozone economic problems are no barrier to growth.

CRN, Merck, DSM, BASF spark new EU food supplements group

CRN, Merck, DSM, BASF spark new EU food supplements group


Better dialogue with regulators and scientists is the main purpose of a new European food supplements group formed today by a diverse alliance of national groups and ingredients and supplement players – both small and large.

The active component in the gum is Slendesta, a natural protein Proteinase Inhibitor II (PI2) produced by Kemin Industries.

Industry Voices – Functional Gum Formulator

High-dose weight loss gum launches in US

By Oliver Nieburg

A high-dose satiety gum containing a potato extract and African mango has launched in the US that takes four pieces to achieve clinically-backed results.

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