
Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

By Stephen Daniells

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the nutrition industry’s big fish, and an emerging presence in the market is omega-3 sourced from krill oil. Stephen Daniells casts his net for opinions on the rise of krill oil.

Negative health claims may not stop company marketing

Negative health claims may not stop company marketing

By Stephen Daniells

A negative opinion from EFSA on a health claim is not necessarily the end of the line for marketing the products benefits, and avenues to market the product are still available, says a UK-based lawyer.

Seasonal Video Greetings From Decision News Media

Seasonal Video Greetings From Decision News Media

Welcome to this seasonal holiday video from Decision News Media.As we prepare to celebrate our tenth anniversary next year and first year as part of William Reed Business Media, we present 10 fun number facts about our company. And, later this week, the...

Health claims threaten prebiotic innovation: Scientist

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Health claims threaten prebiotic innovation: Scientist

By Stephen Daniells

Concerns abound that the approach of the European Food Safety Authority towards health claims may stifle innovation and science, none more so than for prebiotics, says a leading researcher.

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

By Stephen Daniells

Europe's leading trade groups are set for a meeting with the European Commission to discuss their concerns over the health claims assessment, and EFSA's reluctance to engage in dialogue.

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

By Shane Starling

More than six months after receiving a positive health claim opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) linking its tomato extract to blood circulation benefits, UK biotech firm Provexis has been handed final claim wording by the European...

Free speech argument a

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Free speech argument a "possible avenue": UK lawyer

By Stephen Daniells

Making claims based on non-conclusive but still substantial science is a "possible avenue" since denying a 'maybe' claim may challenge free speech rights, says a UK lawyer.

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

By Stephen Daniells

US attorney Jonathan Emord draws parallels between his experiences in the US challenging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the current health claims situation in Europe on the basis of free speech.

Russia not so different from EU

Russia not so different from EU

By Jess Halliday

The main consumer trends in Russia are parallel to those in Europe, says Fortitech Europe’s managing director: Health and nutrition are of prime concern, and baby boomers bring opportunities in bone health, skin health and mental acuity.

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