
The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

Not again! It emerged last week that Basic Food Flavors, the company behind the ongoing HVP recall, knew its products were tainted with salmonella but carried on shipping them anyway. Déjà vu anyone?

Nutrient science is not black and white, says CRN

Nutrient science is not black and white, says CRN

By Shane Starling

The Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority have similar criteria in place when it comes to evaluating health claim-backing evidence – both prefer human intervention trials.

Martek reaps regulatory omega-3 benefits

Martek reaps regulatory omega-3 benefits

By Shane Starling in Brussels

DHA omega-3 is one of the few ingredients to benefit from the European Union nutrition and health claims process so far, and Martek's VP of regulatory affairs, Rodney Gray, looks at developments in other regulatory changes that have affected the...

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...

In defence of omega-3

Special comment

In defence of omega-3

The best way to survive a shark attack is to fight back, so say survivors. Events this week suggest the sharks may be beginning to circle the good ship omega-3, and now is the time for industry and academia to start fighting back.

Kemin and DSM commit to article 13.5 lutein submission

Kemin and DSM commit to article 13.5 lutein submission

By Shane Starling

Leading lutein suppler Kemin Health will resubmit a lutein dossier under article 13.5 of the European Union nutrition and health claims regulation, after EFSA last week rejected an article 13.1 lutein-eye health submission.

What's the colour of money? Bonuses should be green

What's the colour of money? Bonuses should be green

Never before has the dangling of golden carrots in the boardroom been so closely scrutinised. DSM and others’ decisions to ensure those carrots have green shoots of sustainability attached to them is a wise and forward thinking move.

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