The Ukrainian Health Ministry of Health posted that the draft resolution seeks to approve “a national action plan to implement the Health 2020 European policy for health and well-being” in accord with its own ‘Ukraine 2020 Sustained Development Strategy’.
Areas of concern include:
- reducing shortages of certain vitamins (folic acid, vitamin D, etc.) and minerals (calcium, iodine, iron, etc.) in different groups of the population
- regulation of the content of saturated fats in foods
- elimination of saturated fats from foods and their replacement with non-saturated fats
- amending food labels to notify consumers about the precise content of salt, sugar and saturated fats and their correlation with recommended consumption doses
- restricting advertisement of foods containing excessive amounts of salt, sugar and saturated fats.
The nutrition plan is intended to be implemented between 2015-2017, according to the IADSA (International Alliance of Dietary Supplement Associations)