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Supplements help improve outcomes for kidney patients: Study

By Hank Schultz

A study out of British Columbia has found that oral nutritional supplements that boost the intake of protein and other nutrients can benefit subjects suffering from kidney failure and improve outcomes when they begin dialysis.

EU food producers have six months to phase out the use of titanium dioxide. Pic: GettyImages/UltimaSperanza

The countdown to phase out E171 in EU foods has begun

By Gill Hyslop

Titanium dioxide (E171) - a popular additive that confers a bright white shade to frosting and cake decorations - has been banned as a food additive in the EU, with a six-month phasing out period coming into force this month (January 2022) after which...

Getty | metamorworks

Big opportunities in merging nutra and pharma

By Nikki Hancocks

Consumer trends, technological advancements and business strategies are causing the pharma and nutra markets to merge and this opens opportunities for the players in both industries to cater to consumers looking for the ultimate wellness solutions.

ANSES: ‘We have questions about nanomaterials'

ANSES: ‘We have questions about nanomaterials'

By Will Chu

In light of the recent ruling concerning titanium dioxide, French authorities have cast the net wider and urged caution over the use of nanomaterials in food as well as in antibacterial products.

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The Art of Organic Certification

The Art of Organic Certification

The organic food market has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade, providing a major opportunity for food brands and manufacturers to tap...