Regulation & legislation

Lack of established risk factors hampers research: Cantox

Lack of established risk factors hampers research: Cantox

By Shane Starling in Brussels

Cantox Health Science International’s Canadian-based, Food and Nutrition associate director, Kathy Musa-Velosa PhD, tells Shane Starling about how risk factors and biomarkers are being used as measures for disease reduction health claims.

Overview: The (seemingly) unstoppable antioxidant powerhouse

Special edition: Antioxidants

Overview: The (seemingly) unstoppable antioxidant powerhouse

By Shane Starling

In the first instalment of this antioxidants special NutraIngredients scans a diverse global market that has barely been dented by the recession and continues to flourish amid consumer understanding that is often little more than surface deep.

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

By Shane Starling

Danone Baby Nutrition says the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) failed to engage in “direct scientific dialogue” in the lead-up to the agency’s scientists handing it a negative opinion for a prebiotic-infant immunity health claim in December.

Will nutrient profiles ever be confirmed?

Will nutrient profiles ever be confirmed?

By Jess Halliday

How usable are the health claims that have already been approved? First, companies need to see if there is any wiggle room around EFSA’s scientific language. Then, the thorny nutrient profiling is unclear. According to a food lawyer, if agreement can’t...

Health claims threaten prebiotic innovation: Scientist

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Health claims threaten prebiotic innovation: Scientist

By Stephen Daniells

Concerns abound that the approach of the European Food Safety Authority towards health claims may stifle innovation and science, none more so than for prebiotics, says a leading researcher.

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

By Stephen Daniells

Europe's leading trade groups are set for a meeting with the European Commission to discuss their concerns over the health claims assessment, and EFSA's reluctance to engage in dialogue.

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

By Shane Starling

More than six months after receiving a positive health claim opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) linking its tomato extract to blood circulation benefits, UK biotech firm Provexis has been handed final claim wording by the European...

Free speech argument a

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Free speech argument a "possible avenue": UK lawyer

By Stephen Daniells

Making claims based on non-conclusive but still substantial science is a "possible avenue" since denying a 'maybe' claim may challenge free speech rights, says a UK lawyer.

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

By Stephen Daniells

US attorney Jonathan Emord draws parallels between his experiences in the US challenging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the current health claims situation in Europe on the basis of free speech.

DHA revisions offer hope to health claim rejections

DHA revisions offer hope to health claim rejections

By Stephen Daniells

The affirmation that the omega-3 DHA can benefit cognitive and eye health offers hope to previously rejected claims. And it's business as usual regarding the overall health claims process, despite ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, said a European...

Health claims: How do we define ‘healthy’?

Health claims: How do we define ‘healthy’?

By Stephen Daniells

With ‘healthy’ populations identified as the ideal for the European Food Safety Authority’s health claims, NutraIngredients asks Yakult – what exactly is healthy?

Health claims science hits the economic bottom line

Health claims science hits the economic bottom line

By Stephen Daniells

Producing randomized clinical trials is never an inexpensive endeavour, but increasingly stringent criteria mean companies are facing tough choices on whether to pursuer innovation, says DSM Nutritional Products.

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